
I’m into lots of other things. Here are just a few…


My writing website, though I don’t update it often enough, contains some random thoughts, a record of my publications, and some basic information on me…

I also publish under a pseudonym when I write fanfiction. If you’re interested in knowing more about that or reading it, send me an email, and we can discuss it.

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Document Creation & Editing

One of my chief joys in life is figuring out how to make documents both useful and beautiful. I love to take an old form and breathe new life into it or create one from scratch that suits a particular need. I am a whiz with resumes, fillable PDF forms, planner design, and more.

If you need any sort of document for your private or professional life, feel free to email me to help you set it up. The image above is the monthly view on a planner I created for myself when the commercial ones I found just didn’t quite do it for me. I also have weekly layouts and use that planner in Notability rather than printing and carrying paper. I have expanded on this electronic planner for the coming school year, and have added interactivity to move between months and weeks. If you’d like to see more, visit the page for the calendars by clicking below:

Momager & Webmaster

I try, often unsuccessfully, to manage the website and budding career of my son’s band, Pastime. They are a DIY Pseudo-Indie Punk band based in Houston, TX, and they are doing their best to make it in a super tough industry. We are doing our best to support them.

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For a while, I tried to do photography as a business. I still try to find the beautiful in the mundane, but with the crazy busy schedule of my life now, I just don’t have the time for photography like I used to. I do always hope to get back to it, though.