The Latest Bits of Blogging

Check in below to see what’s going on in my world, and feel free to leave me a comment or two.

Long Time, No See…
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Long Time, No See…

Clearly, I’ve been gone a while. I’m so sorry to anyone who was actually following my journey.

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Hollow Victory
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Hollow Victory

It may be April Fool’s Day, but this is no joke… I’ve lost 50 pounds, but somehow, it’s a hollow victory.

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Om Nom Nom
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Om Nom Nom

I am not hungry. But, damn! Everything looks so good!

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Perendination Ponderings
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Perendination Ponderings

Well, here we are on Spring Break 2022, so you know what that means! Party time? Nah. Sleep for days—Ha! I wish! Nope, for me, it means a list of stuff to do a mile long.

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Please Remember
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Please Remember

We’ve all said it a million times. Yes, even me…. This weight care thing is a journey. This is not a single path or a destination. It is a pathway and a process.

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On Giving
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

On Giving

For those of us who are fortunate enough to have made it through recent tribulations largely unscathed, shouldn’t we make it a priority to help those who didn’t?

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No Longer Present
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

No Longer Present

A lot of the work I have been doing during this process has been about changing my mindset. To that end, I think it’s high time I also change my schtick.

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Progress Over Perfection
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Progress Over Perfection

How can I sit here and dispense advice—even advise myself—and then not really follow it? The short answer: I’m human. Then again, aren’t we all?

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The Five Stages of Plateaus
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

The Five Stages of Plateaus

If I’m not seeing the progress I want to see, should I consider that a failure? A setback? Or just more motivation to keep at it?

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Quelle Surprise
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Quelle Surprise

I find it odd what little things come as a surprise to me as I continue on this journey.

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Wheel in the Sky
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Wheel in the Sky

I haven’t been here in a while. I haven’t been able to sit and gather my thoughts because there are so many of them running rampant through my tortured brain. Where do I even begin? Buckle up, loyal readers, this might be a long one….

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Something’s Happenin’ Here
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Something’s Happenin’ Here

Usually, when I sit down to write a post, I have a general idea of what I want to talk about, the points I want to make or events I want to recount, etc. Today is not that day.

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Hella Mega
Amy Sasser Amy Sasser

Hella Mega

I haven’t been here in a while. What can I say? Life got in the way, as it does.

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