Hello? Is This Thing On?

Monday, January 10, 2022

Is anybody out there?

I mean, I think there are some folks out there.

But I only have vague indicators of such. I have a “hit counter” that I can look at on my site’s “Analytics” page which tells me when I’ve had multiple visits, but it doesn’t tell me anything else. I always leave the comments open, but I think someone is waiting to be the First Follower instead of the Leader here (at least I hope so). Please don’t be afraid to comment on any of my blog entries if you’re a reader. Just remember that comments here can be seen by all. If you have something more individual or private to say, you can always hit up the Contact form or follow the link above over to my Twitter page, where you can PM me.

See, writers have this terrible dichotomy in their brains. We write for catharsis, yes—the overwhelming need to bleed on the page all of our hopes, dreams, anxieties, and insecurities. But what good does it do to cathart (is that a word?) if you have no one to read it and share in the process? How is it helpful to have confession with no confessor? That’s where you, Dear Reader, come in. You must let me know first that you exist. Then, if I’ve touched you in some way or entertained you or brightened your day, let me know. Encourage me. Support me. Let me know that somehow, in a roundabout way, I’ve supported you. Whatever it is, give me some sort of feedback so I know it’s worth it for me to continue this process.

I realize I may be asking a lot. But honestly, it’s not as much as I used to ask of those close to me. I used to ask them to “write something to me, for me, or about me.” Very few obliged, but I often asked. For those who did oblige, their words have stuck with me. There are snippets of some those answers from over 20 years ago that are still seared into my soul! So, Reader, now it is up to YOU. Will you contact me? Will you reach out and just let me know that you are there, that you are reading this? Will you let me know that you’re cheering me on, rooting for me, with me on this roller coaster?

I would surely appreciate it!


The Five Stages of Plateaus


Quelle Surprise