Please Remember

March 9, 2022

I want to write much more here than I’m about to, but I am so very, very behind on grading that I must discipline myself, so I won’t expound forever or wax poetic today. Instead, I’m going to give a quick update and a few thoughts.

This Roller Coaster

We’ve all said it a million times. Yes, even me.

This weight care thing is a journey. This is not a single path or a destination. It is a pathway and a process. Not only are there ups and downs and ins and outs, but there are also spirals (of self-doubt and self-loathing and of self-congratulations and self-aggrandizement). There are times you feel on top of the world and times you feel topsy-turvy and completely scattered. And you know what? That’s all okay!

The problem is remembering that it’s all okay in those times that you’re spiraling or in those times that you’re down. It’s so hard! Just as success breeds success, so too does failure breed failure. I know this to be true, as I see it in my students every single day! They fail one small daily assignment, and they check out. They give up. They’re done. But we, as the older, “wiser” force in their lives must continue to encourage them to keep pushing, keep trying… just keep going! Why, then, is it so hard to say those things to myself?

I think it’s partially because it’s myself. When I’m up there on top of the world, it’s easy to see the sun and the clouds and the stars and all the happy fun things that make life grand. But when I’m down in it, in the muck and the dirt and slogging through day after day of doldrums and aches and pains, all I can see are the weeds surrounding me. It’s all a matter of perspective, really. So, for those days when I look out and see weeds, I need to remember those days I looked out and saw stunning vistas—because those days are coming up again soon.

The Hardest Easy Challenge Ever

My FOUND Coach this week gave me a new challenge.

I admit that I heard it and I thought oh, this will be easy! I’ve got this one in the bag! I thought I would have no problem complying with the requested focus… journal every day. Coach Iman asked me if there was a time each day that I could take five to ten minutes to journal about my journey or my experiences or whatever was on my mind. I immediately replied that I could do so during my lunch break.

However… here we are on Wednesday, and I have not yet journaled! This blog entry may count to some degree, but Monday, I didn’t get to it because I was running around during lunch getting things ready for a sub on Tuesday when I would be out of the room testing. On Tuesday, well, I was out of the room testing! Today, I started this post during lunch (and am coming back to finish it up a bit later). Let’s just see if I can finish out the week with some daily thoughts, or if I shuck that “responsibility” as we move through the days. For someone who professes to be a writer, I certainly do have a hard time making myself write on a schedule!

Sometimes I Forget….

I saw this posted online. I had to bring it here to talk about it. I had to include it in my thoughts to you guys, my loyal readers, because it just hit me so hard, right in the feels. So, be prepared. Grab some tissues. Read away:

I forget sometimes; we all do. Please remember.

Loss So Far....

Starting Weight 06-09-21 = 328.9 • Current Weight: 281.9 • This week: -2.7 pounds • Cumulative total: -47.0 pounds

Perendination Ponderings


On Giving