The Hidden Benefits of Weight Loss

Sunday, July 18, 2021

There are a lot of little things you don’t think about… and that helps.


One of the things that has been tougher for me than I might have wanted to admit has been the lack of praise on this journey.

Don’t get me wrong; my husband is encouraging me, and my coach is a constant source of cheerleading. However, no one has said anything remotely like, “Oh, you look like you’re losing weight!” Sometimes, that fact—combined with seeing myself in the mirror every day—sort of blinds me to my success so far.

After all, I’ve lost over 16 pounds! That is something to be celebrated! It is no small feat. But, when I see myself, I don’t immediately see it. My husband doesn’t see it because he sees me every day. I need to see someone I haven’t seen in a while, someone who saw me at my largest. And I need them to notice without me making any allusion to what’s happening.

To be fair, I recognize that this is a stupid mindset. I am succeeding. My numbers are dropping. But it’s hard when it’s not super noticeable. So, to that end, I thought I would take some time today to talk about the hidden benefits—often called the NSVs, or non-scale victories. I realize I’ve had a few!

This Might Be TMI

This first one is not something often discussed in polite society, so if you want to skip this section, I totally understand. I will attempt to address it delicately, but this is honestly the very first NSV I noticed with this weight loss, so it’s important.


TMI Time:

This is going to sound so awful, but… [takes deep breath] it’s so much easier to wipe my own ass now!!!

I know, I know, that’s unsavory and uncalled for and way too much information. But you don’t understand. At my heaviest, it had gotten to the point that I couldn’t really. Or at least I couldn’t without some pain and some bizarre calisthenics to reach all the right places. But now… that’s no longer an issue! Losing just 16 pounds alleviated that problem, and I imagine it will only get better from here as I lose more.

When I realized I no longer needed the contortionist skills to simply perform a daily function most people take completely for granted, I literally gasped. Sitting right there. It was such a surprising realization, and a pleasant one, despite the unpleasant nature of the task itself.

Super Sleep

I have been sleeping so much better! I feel rested when I wake up. Now, my sleep schedule is super weird right now due to the summer months and lack of time-specific responsibilities, but I find myself waking naturally after seven or so hours of sleep and not feeling tired and cranky immediately like I used to. I used to wake up feeling tired, like I hadn’t slept at all. But now, I simply don’t feel that way anymore. This feeling better in my waking hours can only lead to better things all around.

Extra Energy

One of those better things is increased energy. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not running any marathons or anything (not so much crazy bouncy energy as that image up top), but I am better able to go up and down the stairs without it feeling like I’ve brushed up against Death’s black robes. I still am not in the place to get up and go on epic adventures, but I don’t feel like I can’t face the day or the tasks I need to do. It’s odd to me to speak of energy. I used to think that my decline in energy was simply due to getting older, and yes, some to getting fatter, but I think it’s more than just those two things. I think that each day, as it was harder to go on, I gave up a little of the fight. Now, though, I have these small successes, these little nudges, to slowly return the fight to my soul.


Clothing Options

Right at the beginning of this journey, my best friend brought me a t-shirt she’d bought me on the web. It was a size 3XL, and I could get it on, but I felt like a stuffed sausage in it. However, the day before yesterday, I wore it. In public. It was still a bit tighter than I prefer, but it wasn’t obscene, and it wasn’t a sausage casing.

I also had occasion to wear jeans the other day for the first time since school let out in May (when I was at my largest). I remember the last day I wore jeans at school, and they were so tight that sitting down was uncomfortable. It had gotten to the point that I was choosing to wear “work pants” on days when I could have worn jeans. However, when I wore them a few days ago, not only were they much more comfortable, but they were slightly loose, so I had to keep pulling them up! It’s a small thing, but at the same time, a very, very big one.


So, it’s true. I can’t “see” the changes happening on a day-to-day basis. But when I catch these small non-scale victories, these hidden benefits, I find it easier to keep going. These small things help me to recognize that I am making a difference, I am having a positive impact on my future, and by proxy, the futures of my husband, my children, and my friends. Success is its own reward, but it is also its own benefactor. It breeds more success. For the first time in a long time, I am genuinely excited for what’s to come.


Hella Mega


Be Easy On Yourself