Hella Mega

Thursday, July 29, 2021

I haven’t been here in a while. What can I say? Life got in the way, as it does.

The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a harder row to hoe. I have been busy, but with things that could have been handled more efficiently. I feel like maybe I’m feeling the impending “doom” of going back to work. I know it will end up being better for my routine and my health (just by virtue of being back in the routine), but it still sucks to have to know I will be getting up every day, going to work, and actually having to do things… oh, to be independently wealthy…

By way of wealth, though, we did have a great time last weekend when my husband and I and our two best friends decided to head over to Louisiana and visit a few casinos. Because of my nephew’s success, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at poker, so I swore I would do that on this trip. That looked like it was going well, but on the flop, the dealer made a full house, which beat my 2 pair, Jack high, so I lost there. However, we ended up sitting around the Blackjack table for hours, and we each came away with more money than we started with.


Turns out, there’s a trick or two to playing Blackjack.

My husband, Mr. Math Guy, was very informative and taught us how to play. He explained how I, a lowly Words Person, could easily decide whether or not to hit or stand with each hand, and about 8 out of 10 times, it worked in my favor. It was such a lovely time and a great experience. We all walked away from the Blackjack tables with additional money in our pockets—even after we tipped our dealer and our waitresses (who kept bringing free drinks the whole time we were there).

Now, admittedly, over these past few days, I have been less stringent on my weight loss efforts. However, even with enjoying some of what casinos and travel had to offer, I still lost. It was only a tiny bit, but it was a loss nonetheless. The going has been slow, but I have to remember that progress is progress, and I’ve had a lot going on. We had this lovely trip to LA on Friday of last week, and then yesterday, we had another exciting night.

My daughter and our best friends’ daughter both had birthdays recently. They wanted one singular thing: tickets to the Hella Mega tour with The Interrupters, Weezer, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day. At first, we thought we wouldn’t be able to afford it—after all, we would have to take them, the four adults, and likely the friends’ other two kids. That’s an eight-ticket commitment. Luckily, though, we were able to work it out and get some seats. They weren’t the best seats, but we were there, and we had a blast.


Hella Mega Tour - Houston, TX - July 29, 2021

All the cell phones lit up like the lighters of old looked like little fireflies in the stadium. It was quite the experience!

Anyway, it was a busy couple of weeks, and I know it’s only going to get busier from here. As school gets back and summer ends, I know I’ll have a ton of things to do. Not all of them will be pleasant or fun, but they will all work together for the good of my family’s future. I have to maintain my focus on my goals and keep my chin up. Any forward momentum is progress, even if it’s small, tiny steps.

I can do this.

Loss So Far

This week: 0.7 pounds • Cumulative total: 18.1 pounds

What Do I Do With My Hands?


The Hidden Benefits of Weight Loss