How Am I Not Hungry Right Now?

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Or… The Tale of a 12th-Grade Teacher

I am back, baby!

Today was the first day back to work after Winter Break, and it was just utterly bizarre. I had a few schedule changes, meaning new students, but also lost a few. I have an additional class with one of my co-teachers (luckily, it’s one I really, really like). And that co-worker I’ve mentioned before seems to keep racking up the favors while the rest of us seem to keep picking up the slack. Between myself and two other co-workers, we gained about 18 or so students she lost. As near as we can tell, she gained none, though ostensibly, she got those who failed Dual Credit. Because there were oh, so many of them (NOT!). Oh, well. Such is life.

As is the norm with returns from long breaks, I didn’t have good sleep leading up to today. I had already planned to get up earlier than was my previous habit due to new routines and habits I wanted to maintain, but 5am seemed extra early today. I got ready in plenty of time and got to work, even remembering to take a few grocery items with me that I’m awfully bad about forgetting on a regular basis. I grabbed some heavy cream for my coffee and some diet sodas to keep there, also.

I got in, had my coffee, set up my room, and began my day. I had a great activity planned for students, and it went over rather well. There was a lot of good discussion, and some movement and interaction, and I think I managed to make the kids a little less scared about their impending date with The Bard (that’s William Shakespeare for the non-literary among you). My throat is raw from all of the loud talking for the first time in over three weeks.

Through all of this, lunch time came and went, and I stayed in my room. I read. I didn’t go to the cafeteria for food, and I had not thought far enough ahead to include a lunch plan for the day. I was not hungry in the slightest. I don’t know if it was the activity levels, the stress (though I didn’t feel stressed), the tiredness, the meds, or what. I just wasn’t hungry. I assumed that by the time I got home from work, I’d be ravenous, but here I am, and … nah. I’m good. I’m not hungry.

I am, on the other hand, exhausted! I could probably lie down now and sleep through the night. But I know everyone else needs to eat, so I know that’s not an option. I keep waiting for the hunger to take over, but thus far, I got nothin’. I guess we shall see if this holds out. Tomorrow is #WeighInWednesday, so I’m hoping I’ve finally broken that 40-pound mark. I can say that one of my co-workers looked at me today and not only told me “You look so skinny!” but also noticed I cut my hair (she is the first to notice). It’s really nice when someone notices things like that!

Anyway, I wanted to drop this quick update, but I have fallen asleep writing it about four times now. I’ll put some more later, but it probably won’t be tonight. Cheers, dear readers!


Quelle Surprise


I Am Ready, But I Am Angry.