
Here below, find several poems I have written over the years. Dates are included for each if I have them; however, that is not always the case.



My story is written on my body
In scars and ink and steel
And bruises long since healed
It is broken bones
And shattered hearts 

My story is written on my body
Each metal piece through flesh
A remembrance
An offering
A tribute to what’s made me

My story is written on my body
Some by choice
Some by chance
Each fully earned and freely given
To a lifetime of becoming

My story is written on my body
This a child enriching my soul
That a night out of control
Each one in itself
A beginning and an end




We are all of us beautiful and broken
Shattered in bits and tiny pieces
Staining the carpets with weeping red drops
From the thousands of tiny, criss-cross marks
On our soles
Where the bits of brokenness
Bit into our eager flesh.
Each fragment of our best selves
A ragged edge, a remnant of wholeness,
A delusion we played at as naïve children
When we still believed.
We are all of us broken and beautiful
Particles of the people we pray to be
Each of us begging the universe to
Send us a sign, to let us know
That we are not
And yet, here we are,
All of us, each of us,
Just as fractured and mangled as the others
Feeling defective, damaged, demolished.
In pieces.


Exquisite Pain

Loving you, delicious torture
Anguish spiked with fancies bright
Rack-stretched heart writ with your scripture
Joyous pain through sacred night

Juxtaposed and flayed asunder
Bleeding from each welcomed wound
Lift me up, then pull me under
Spirit, heart, and soul attuned

Testament shown in battle scars
Open veins and flame-scorched palms
Impassioned prayers said to your stars
Ecstasy sung as your psalms

September 18, 2016



Humid breath flowing slow and smooth,
tangling in the tiny tendrils
at the nape of my neck
and flowing further,
leaving goose-pimpled flesh.

Restful rhythmic pulses against my back
keep time with dreamy dozing.

A scintillating squeeze
and wiggling wriggle
strengthen the embrace as you
drift to dreamland
with a deep, soft sigh.

Lips linger at my earlobe,
with a ghost soft touch.

I am encircled,
serene and satisfied,
fulfilled in my repose
and slipping into a sated

                             May 4, 2014


Wrecked Refrain

I thought of you again
When the space between my legs was wet and warm and moist
Like the humid Houston night

I thought of you again
Whent he beads of sweat were cold against my goose-pimpled skin
Like the Freon-fueled frigidity of overcooled rooms

I thought of you again
When the sky flashed white and hot, screaming her anguish
Like deep Summer in the deeper South

I thought of you again
When the musty rusted air found its escape from ancient tomes
Like desert dust storms stealing the air

I thought of you again
When paint-peeling shutters slammed and shivering sashes sighed
Like my heart when you said my name.

June 27, 2012


Waking Up